Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Friday Friends.
Can you believe it’s been a whole year since we embarked on this journey together? Me neither, who’d have thunk it! Today is #blog52 which seems incredible to me considering how long it took for me to even get started.
I’d procrastinated for ages when Tom (the overseeing editor/enforcer who ensures I don’t upset anyone, overstep the mark or include too much fluff) said “Just do it, let’s get something out”
Tim the socials dude set me up and Justin the graphic designer took care of the images. The rest as they say, is all geography.
There’s an insight for you, for those who think where does he get time to do all this, the answer is I don’t, as with everything we do at Syntech, it is a team effort.
When we first hit that “publish” button on my first blog post, I’ll admit, I had both nerves and excitement. Would anyone even read it? (Or as Tom always say’s “Does anybody actually read it?”) . Would my passion for environmental conservation and sustainability resonate with others? But you know what? I threw caution to the wind, put my fingers to the keyboard, and poured it all out. And I’m glad I did.
Over the past year, I’ve talked about everything from using sustainable alternative biofuels like Syntech ASB to replace dirty diesel, reducing plastic waste and embracing renewable energy. I’ve advocated biodiversity conservation and eco-friendly lifestyles. I’ve championed the causes for orangutans, elephants and bees. I’ve shared tips, and stories, and I hope some inspiration to make positive changes, no matter how big or small. And I’ve tried to always do it with a smile on my face so hopefully you end up with one on yours.
And, as far as I know, I am the only self-proclaimed environment and sustainability guru who has written a blog linking the lessons learnt from the Star Wars films to climate change and given you a tune to dance to each week while you pondered over the message.
Through collective efforts, countless plastic bottles have been diverted from landfills, trees planted to combat deforestation, and local businesses supported that prioritize sustainability. I’ve tried to spark conversations, raise awareness, and challenge the status quo. But perhaps most importantly, I’ve wanted to cultivate a sense of community—a tribe of like-minded individuals united by a shared love for our planet and a commitment to safeguarding its future.
I must also acknowledge the evolving landscape of environmentalism and sustainability. The world is definitely changing. In the past year alone, I’ve seen unprecedented shifts in public consciousness and political will. From global climate strikes and youth-led movements to ambitious policy initiatives and corporate commitments, the momentum for change is palpable.
Now more than ever, people are waking up to the urgent realities of climate change and ecological degradation. They’re demanding accountability from leaders and corporations, pushing for systemic reforms, and embracing sustainable alternatives in their everyday lives. And our little blog? Well, it’s been a small but I hope an integral part of that larger movement for change.
As I look ahead to the next chapter of the journey, I’m filled with hope and optimism. Sure, the challenges we face are daunting, and the route to zero may be long and winding at first. But with passion in our hearts and purpose in our actions, I have no doubt that we can—and will—create a brighter, greener future for generations to come.
This week’s 80s banger tune link is below, give it a hit.
So here’s to us, my fellow eco-enthusiasts, as we celebrate one year of eco-adventure and look forward to many more to come. Thank you for joining me on this ride. I absolutely believe that together, we can truly are make a difference—one blog post, one eco-friendly swap, and one litre of Syntech ASB at a time.
Thanks for reading, have a beautiful weekend.
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