
In this world where we live, there should be more happiness, so much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow.
Happy Friday friends.
It was International Happiness Day this week and as usual, I was all over that. In general, and as you may have noticed I’m always a fairly happy chappy, mostly because I choose to be. I prefer smiley faces to frowny ones, optimism over pessimism and always like to take something positive from every situation including the bad ones. My favourite advice to others has always been ‘Don’t save love up for a rainy day – throw it around like your made of it!’
But what does happiness mean to you and others?
Steven Bartlett wrote this week “Beware of happiness addiction: The idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job or in the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are.”
And Mr. Bartlett’s right, along with countless other mantra’s from self help bibles and personal development gurus like Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”
They’re both right of course, most people connect their potential to be happy to material things and events that lie beyond their control. But really, the journey is the way.
I think the same can be said of getting to carbon net zero by 2050. So many people and companies are holding out for that massive silver bullet that fixes everything. But the real innovators and changemakers understand the power of embarking on the Route to Zero in the most practical way possible right now.
So, how can we make the most of International Happiness Day, you ask? Well, for starters, why not spread some joy to those around you? Whether it’s giving someone a compliment, telling them you love or appreciate them, or paying for the person’s coffee in line behind you, small acts of kindness can have a ripple effect that reaches far and wide.
Sometimes a simple smile can make someone’s day, kindness often creates happiness. The ability to create happiness in others is a powerful and very special gift. Use it excessively.
And you know what? Sometimes, it’s the simple things that bring us the most joy. Like the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the air or the sound of rain tapping against the window pane. In a world that’s constantly moving at breakneck speed, taking a moment to savour life’s little pleasures is a revolutionary act.
I’ve picked 2 songs this week as they are such beautifully worded ‘Happy’ songs I had to include them both. Every time I hear them I am immediately happy.
Oh! I nearly forgot, always practice gratitude. Taking stock of the things we’re thankful for – whether it’s our health, our loved ones, the birds singing loud in the morning on a sunny spring day – all can work wonders for our overall happiness levels. As will listening to those 2 songs.
Thanks for reading, have a happy weekend.
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